Frequently Asked Questions
"I'm writing a book report on your book, and I need to know where you were born, where you live now, and when your birthday is?"
I'm including this question first because I get messages asking me this several times a week! I have to say, when I wrote book reports in school, I was never required to give the author's birthday! But then again, those were the pre-internet days, when information wasn't readily available, and we had to write our reports using a quill and parchment.
Anyway, in answer to the questions: I was born in New York City, which is why so many of my books are set there. I now live in Boston. My birthday is May 1, 1980.
"Hey, did you send me a PM on Facebook?"
Probably not! There are a lot of scammers out there pretending to be me. I have verified accounts on Facebook and Instagram. I rarely use X or TikTok, and I do not have a Bluesky account.
"Have there been any articles written about you?"
Yes! I have done several interviews with journalists:
The New York Times
The Washington Post
The Sunday Times
The Boston Globe
The Globe and Mail
“What are your favorite books by other authors?”
My favorite 20 thrillers of the last 15 or so years in no particular order:
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
Until I Met Her by Natalie Barelli
Lock Every Door by Riley Sager
The Moonlight Child by Karen McQuestion
Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine
The Ex by Alifair Burke
Dear Wife by Kimberly Belle
Friends Like These by Sarah Alderson
Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell
The Perfect Family by Shalini Boland
Look Closer by David Ellis
Dark Matter by Blake Crouch
What Lies Between Us by John Marrs
The Butcher by Jennifer Hillier
Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak
Falling by TJ Newman
No Exit by Taylor Adams
If You Tell by Gregg Olsen
Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
Honorable mention to the entire Rizzoli and Isles series, which was amazing from beginning to end.
“Which of your books should I read next?”
Absolutely any book you want! Almost all of them are standalone unless they are specifically marked as a series, and even those can be read in any order. I’m proud of every single one of my books. You’re not going to get an answer from me like, “Don’t read Book X. It sucks!”
“Which is your favorite of your own books?”
I don’t have a favorite. I always feel closest to the one I’m currently working on, but there are reasons I like every single one of my books. It’s like asking me to choose a favorite child!
“Can you appear at my book club?”
I genuinely wish I could appear at every bookclub I got invited to, but these days I am getting invites every single day. So I have to say no. You don’t want my life to devolve into one giant book club appearance, right??? (Say no.)
“How do you come up with your twists?”
Um, my brain? I get asked this question a lot, and seriously, I’m not sure how to answer!
"What is your LEAST favorite question to be asked?"
Every author I have talked to agrees that our least favorite question to be asked is, "What inspired you to write Book X?" First of all, it is a question we are asked constantly, so we are basically answering it over and over and over. Also, with any book, the motivation can come from many different places, and sometimes we can't even remember what it was. Therefore, I've decided that from now on, whenever someone asks me what inspired me to write a book, I'm going to say, "It was a dream I had."
"What inspired you to write The Housemaid?"
It was a dream I had.
“Are you really a physician?”
I really am.
“Your life seems incredibly busy. You’re a doctor, a mom of two, and you put out multiple books per year! How do you find time to even sleep? Also, can you make an appearance at my book club?”
(I had to throw that last question in there. It does seem like the frequent book club appearance requests are always preceded by acknowledging how painfully busy I must be, so please show up at this random book club for an hour.)
Overall, I believe being a doctor has helped me with my writing career. First of all, I’m able to write medical scenarios with a high degree of accuracy. Second, knowing that I had a stable job to pay the bills made me feel more comfortable spending money on marketing, even knowing there was a chance I might not earn it back. (I almost always did though.) However, due to the obligations of my growing career as an author, I've taken a step back from my physician career and now work only 1-2 days per week.
"Are you a real person?"
Weirdly, I get asked this a lot. And the answer is yes, the Blue Fairy turned me into a real person about five years ago, after I saved Geppetto from drowning.
"Do you have a book tour schedule?"
I do not have any live tours booked or plans to tour in the near future. However, I try to do interactive virtual events when I can! Check in on my Facebook page for announcements about future virtual events.
“Have you done any interviews online?”
Yes! I have YouTube interviews here:
I also did some podcasts:
See my full bio here.
"In what order should I read the Housemaid series?"
The chronological order is:
The Housemaid
The Housemaid's Secret
The Housemaid's Wedding (short story)
The Housemaid is Watching.
However, you can read the short story at the end as a flashback scene.
“Will Book X be available in paperback/audiobook/kindle unlimited?”
“Okay. Will Book Y be available in paperback/audiobook/kindle unlimited?”
It doesn’t matter which book you are referring to, ALL of my books are going to be available in paperback, audiobook, and kindle unlimited!
“Where can I buy your books?”
All my books are available on Amazon. The e-book versions are exclusive to Amazon. Paperbacks should now be available at all major retailers.
“Why can’t I find your books in the library?”
My e-books are exclusive to Amazon, so they are never going to be available in the e-book library. Many of the paperbacks should be available! Because some of my books are independently published, those books may not automatically get distributed to libraries, but you can always request them! Audiobooks can also be requested if they're not available.
"How can I buy a signed copy of one of your books?"
Sadly, I don't have an efficient way to sell signed copies myself without it completely taking over my life. If you are looking for signed copies, your best bet is to check in with Belmont Books. I also have a merchandise site that has signature stickers and other cool stuff. I announce availability of signed copies in my Facebook group.
The chronological order is:
The Housemaid
The Housemaid's Secret
The Housemaid's Wedding (short story)
The Housemaid is Watching.
However, you can read the short story at the end as a flashback scene.
“Will Book X be available in paperback/audiobook/kindle unlimited?”
“Okay. Will Book Y be available in paperback/audiobook/kindle unlimited?”
It doesn’t matter which book you are referring to, ALL of my books are going to be available in paperback, audiobook, and kindle unlimited!
“Where can I buy your books?”
All my books are available on Amazon. The e-book versions are exclusive to Amazon. Paperbacks should now be available at all major retailers.
“Why can’t I find your books in the library?”
My e-books are exclusive to Amazon, so they are never going to be available in the e-book library. Many of the paperbacks should be available! Because some of my books are independently published, those books may not automatically get distributed to libraries, but you can always request them! Audiobooks can also be requested if they're not available.
"How can I buy a signed copy of one of your books?"
Sadly, I don't have an efficient way to sell signed copies myself without it completely taking over my life. If you are looking for signed copies, your best bet is to check in with Belmont Books. I also have a merchandise site that has signature stickers and other cool stuff. I announce availability of signed copies in my Facebook group.
I frequently get asked questions about writing, and generally it’s the same 5-6 questions, so I decided to make this FAQ specifically on writing that I can point new authors to. I don’t pretend to be any kind of guru on publishing success, but I do have some knowledge that I’ve gathered over the years. I hope you will find this helpful!
“How did you get your first work published?”
I self published my first book on Amazon in 2013. Prior to this, I had gone through the long and incredibly painful process of querying for an agent/publisher, and I was thrilled I could get my work out there without having to suck up to anyone.
“How does traditional publishing compare to self-publishing?”
My first “traditional" experience was with Bookouture, which is an ebook publisher, so they have a similar model to self-publishing. I also now work with Sourcebooks. Both Bookouture and Sourcebooks have amazing editors, and I now receive help with things like foreign rights deals that are hard to negotiate on my own. My publishers also help with cover design, editing, proofing, blurb, and social media stuff. There are pros and cons to both sides, but I really enjoy working with my publishers!
"Do I need an agent to get published?"
I absolutely adore my agent, and I don't know how I'd function without her. That said, every author does not necessarily need an agent. If you self publish, you don't need an agent. If you sign with an ebook publisher, you don't necessarily need an agent. If you want to publish with a traditional publisher, then an agent is probably a good idea.
“Should I put my book in Kindle Unlimited? Also, what is Kindle Unlimited?”
Kindle Unlimited is an Amazon program where you make your ebook exclusive to Amazon, and in exchange, they put you in the KU library, where readers subscribed to the service can borrow it for free. You get paid per page read… an obscenely tiny amount that can add up to quite a lot when you get to the millions of pages. I recommend KU for new authors because it will make readers more likely to take a chance on your book since it is free to them, and also it’s a nice thing to do for readers at a time when money is tight for a lot of people. I personally have had a lot of luck with KU.
To be clear, KU exclusivity applies *only* to ebooks. Your paperback and audiobook can still be sold everywhere.
“What is the best way to write? Should I outline? Should I edit as I go?”
Um, my answer is basically you do you. Everyone has a way that works best for them. My process is that I come up with an idea including a twist in advance. I plan it out only in my head for a couple of months, then I spend a couple of weeks banging out a first draft. I don’t stop, just write. If it seems bad or I feel stuck, I just write. I keep telling myself that I’ll fix it later. Although I have that rough outline in my head, I do generally let the characters take me where they want to go, but I always know the final destination.
Over the years, my books have become much more “tight,” especially my first drafts… I know the rhythm of a plot and what works or doesn’t work, which makes it easier to bang out solid first drafts. Over the years, plotting is where I have grown the most.
“What do you do for marketing?”
Very little at this point because I’ve caught the favor of the fabled Amazon algorithm! I run Amazon ads, but that’s my only paid advertising. I have a newsletter, and of course, my reader group, Freida McFans. Mostly, I just try to get out there on social media as much as possible. In terms of social media, I have always just tried to show how super grateful I am to anyone who mentions my books.
But if I were starting out now, it would be a different ballgame. This isn’t 2010 when you can simply upload your book to Amazon and readers will discover it by chance. Marketing is NOT optional. I have no expertise in starting out in the current market, but I’d probably try to do a bunch of discounted 99 cent promotions with paid newsletter slots like in Bookbub or Robin Reads. Facebook ads didn’t really work for me, but other people like them. If you have several books, consider giving one away for free to gain new readers, especially if it’s the first in a series.
“How much does it cost to self-publish a book?”
It varies wildly.
When I was self publishing exclusively, I was a bit of a one woman show. I know how to format and I can make covers in Photoshop. I have a retired family member who edits for me, one other person who I pay, and some other readers I trust who always comb for typos. I have a ton of writer friends who beta read for me, including a real life writing group. I have a lifetime subscription to ProWritingAid.
If you’re starting out, you should expect to pay for cover design, editing costs, perhaps a beta reader or two, formatting costs (or do it yourself with Vellum), proofreading. Fiverr is your friend for cheap services. Premade covers are much cheaper than custom covers. You can also join a Facebook group like Indie Author Support, which has a wealth of resources and advice. Authorsxp is also a site I like with a lot of author resources at reasonable prices.
“Do I need to have an editor for my book?”
I don’t know you or your writing, but I’m going to say almost certainly.
“What are ARCs? Do they have something to do with geometry? Because if they do, you can just stop right there.”
They don’t have to do with math. ARCs are Advance Review Copies. One of the most important ways to sell your book is to distribute advance copies and get reviews that will go live on release. You can approach people on social media to do this, and there are paid services that will help get your books to advance readers, such as Hidden Gems, Booksprout, and Netgalley.
To be clear, it is NEVER ethical/legal to pay readers directly for a review. But it’s okay to pay a service that makes the book available to eager readers, who then give an honest review for free.
“How do I make an audiobook version of my book?”
You have a lot of options if you decide you want to make an audio version of your book. Amazon ACX allows you to put up auditions for your book to connect you to potential narrators, who will narrate your book for either a flat fee or a share of the profits, or else you can hire a production company to record it for you (although that is more expensive). Another alternative is to sell your audiobook rights to an audiobook production company such as Dreamscape or Podium, in exchange for a smaller share of the profit.
“Why do you write in the first person present tense?”
This has actually become extremely popular, especially in self published books. I started doing it after reading a bunch of Sophie Kinsella books. I love how it keeps you in the moment and gives an opportunity for humor.
“How do you come up with your twists?”
I am always tempted to answer “my brain”! I definitely have a very analytic brain. When I was a teenager, I was on the math team and solving puzzles was very fun for me. But it does seem like readers expect more in a twist these days because everything has already been done. You have to step out of the box of: “The suspects were A, B, C, D, and A is the killer.” It’s not even enough to say E is the killer. It has to be E is the killer because he is actually B, and was the victim’s mother and his daughter, and also was dead the whole time. That is the level of twistiness that is now required. It’s kind of frustrating when I have a great idea but I can’t come up with that great twist, and yet it’s always exciting and satisfying when I do come up with it.
"Do you teach any writing classes?"
No, but it's not out of the question for the future.
"Can you please read a copy of my manuscript (or a writing sample) and give me advice or help me promote it?"
This is a question I am asked almost daily, and there's no way I could possibly do this for everyone who asks. If you need advice on a manuscript you've written and you don't have friends who can help you, there are several reasonably priced beta reading services such as authorxp or fiverr. If you're a professional author who would like me to write a blurb for your novel, please inquire through my agent Christina Hogrebe at [email protected].
"Can you recommend any books to help with writing?"
Yes, I always recommend Save the Cat Writes a Novel, which I think is an excellent resource to help with plotting.
“What is your best piece of advice for authors just starting out?”
Stop procrastinating! If you want to write and publish your book, just do it!
Good luck!!!